Playing basketball 1.5 meters apart (audio)

Group of friends are playing basketball at Noorderplantsoen
Lens Press News created by Denise Overkleeft and Zsuzsi Palotás

All indoor and outdoor sport accommodations at the ACLO center have been closed since the 15th of December and they will continue to do so. There are only two exceptions: the padel and the tennis courts. What happens with all the other sports?

In order to accommodate to the situation, ALCO is providing home workout videos on their YouTube channel and they are also busy designing online courses.

On a sunny day and warm day, it can be difficult to find an empty place in the city. Therefore, we suggest to visit this page which provides a map with sports places all around Groningen. There is room for numerous different sports, such as football, basketball, boot camp, calisthenics, fitness or running.

The association De Groene Uilen-Moestasj, from which Biko is a member, provides videos under the “Corona Care” playlist on their facebook page, “to get you through this lockdown,” they write in one of their posts. Each week they post one video with some tricks and tips how to stay fit and healthy.

The article is created in cooperation of Denise Overkleeft and Zsuzsi Palotás.

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